
Showing posts from July, 2019

Democratic debate highlights: Biden the favored target

Democratic front-runner Joe Biden was again the main target of his rivals at the second presidential debate on Wednesday, as many of the nine other candidates on stage took aim at his track record on race, criminal justice, immigration and healthcare. from Reuters: U.S.

Malaysian senator drops proposed anti-seduction law after backlash

A Malaysian senator on Thursday apologized after proposing a sexual harassment law to protect men from being "seduced" by women into committing sexual crimes. from Reuters: World News

Democratic debates: Joe Biden hits back at critics in Detroit

Frontrunner Joe Biden defends his record on race, criminal justice and deportations of migrants. from BBC News - Home

Hamza Bin Laden: Son of Osama 'dead', US officials say

US media claim they were told by officials that Hamza Bin Laden is dead. from BBC News - Home

Biden and Harris do battle, face attacks in combative U.S. Democratic debate

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden and rival Kamala Harris battled over healthcare and came under attack from other candidates on their criminal justice records in a contentious and sometimes angry debate on Wednesday. from Reuters: U.S.

Aspetar: The ultra modern, elite sports hospital that imports body parts

Many of the world's best athletes go to the same specialist hospital in Qatar. Aspetar is at the cutting edge of sports medicine. from BBC News - Home

North Korean soldier defects across the DMZ, South Korea says

The South Korean military detained a North Korean soldier who crossed the heavily fortified demilitarized zone (DMZ) that separates the two countries, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JSC) said on Thursday. from Reuters: World News

U.S. officials play down North Korea missile tests, hold out for new talks

North Korea's latest missile launches did not violate a pledge its leader Kim Jong Un made to U.S. President Donald Trump, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday, but efforts to resume denuclearization talks remained in doubt. from Reuters: World News

Taipei mayor to form political party in challenge to Taiwan president's re-election

The mayor of Taipei said on Thursday he will form a political party to run in Taiwan's 2020 elections, a move that could complicate President Tsai Ing-wen's re-election and shake up the political landscape amid heightened tension with China. from Reuters: World News

U.S. envoy slams Germany after reluctance on Hormuz mission

The U.S. ambassador to Germany launched a scathing attack on Chancellor Angela Merkel's government on Thursday for its reluctance to join a naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz, saying Europe's biggest economy must assume more global responsibility. from Reuters: World News

Biden and Harris come under attack in U.S. Democratic debate

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden and rival Kamala Harris battled over healthcare and came under attack from other candidates on their criminal justice records and other issues in a contentious and sometimes angry debate on Wednesday. from Reuters: U.S.

Zoe Ball loses 780,000 listeners from BBC Radio 2 breakfast show

The presenter took over from Chris Evans in January after he left to join Virgin Radio. from BBC News - Home

Factbox: How each candidate performed in the second Democratic debate

The kick-off of the second round of Democratic presidential debates on Tuesday featured a clash of liberal and moderate agendas, highlighting sharp divisions within the party over how to beat Republican Donald Trump in the November 2020 election. from Reuters: U.S.

Democratic debate highlights: Harris and Biden spar over healthcare

Democratic front-runner Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris clashed again in the first moments of the second presidential debate on Wednesday, but this time it was about healthcare and not race. from Reuters: U.S.

Biden and Harris go on the attack in Democratic debate

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden and rival Kamala Harris battled fiercely over their healthcare plans in a debate on Wednesday, picking up where they left off last month when they had an explosive confrontation over race. from Reuters: U.S.

Democratic candidates attack Trump as Democratic presidential debate opens

Democratic presidential contenders attacked Republican President Donald Trump as a demagogue who is ripping apart the country and promised to restore unity during the opening minutes of a debate on Wednesday. from Reuters: U.S.

Navy revokes awards given to prosecutors in Navy SEAL court-martial

U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer on Wednesday revoked awards given to several military prosecutors in the court-martial of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murdering an Iraqi prisoner but convicted of unlawfully posing for photos with his dead body. from Reuters: U.S.